Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Latest

I haven't blogged in a while.  November was a busy month full of a vacation, Thanksgiving, and visiting with family and friends.  December so far has been full of morning (all day) sickness, tiredness, and no energy.  Oh, and a little boy who is almost one and ALL OVER THE PLACE.  Here are the highlights from the last couple of months.

After Derek SUCCESSFULLY (woohoo!) completed his most recently exam, we packed up and headed for Lake Tahoe.  We stayed in a cabin that belongs to some family friends.  It was SO relaxing.  We didn't do much.  Derek had a sinus infection and I was really "car sick" even when I wasn't in the car :), so we just hung out and enjoyed family time.

We met our friends Jack and Mary who are living in Reno this year.  Connor got his first "This is the most well-behaved baby I've ever seen" comment from the waiter.  Hopefully the first of many.  And he loves lemons!

Connor's first time "playing" in the snow!

Our friends, the Lehmer's.  We had lunch with them on our drive back and got to thank them for letting us stay in their wonderful cabin. 

Next stop: visiting my friend, Angela.  We were roommates at APU and now look at us with all our boys! :)  It was so fun spending time with her and her family.   

Last stop: spending a couple days in Madera with my brother, sister-in-law, and the kiddos.  Here they are enjoying some Barney together.  Caleb is almost 3, Kylie and Ellie are 1 1/2, and Connor is almost 11 months.  Cousin time!

My brother is serious about his spaghetti.  It takes him about 24 hours to make a batch of sauce.  It's fitting that Uncle Josh gave Connor his very first spaghetti dinner, which he loved!

Thanksgiving is full of traditions.  Here is a family favorite: after peeling about 30 pounds of potatoes on Thanksgiving morning, all of us "kids" (even though most of us are in our 20's) head to Starbucks for holiday drinks before heading to the wonder that is our family Thanksgiving.   

Connor and Nana at Thanksgiving.  Between my mom, Hanna, Laura, and Shawna, I didn't spend much time with Connor on Thanksgiving.  I'm happy to share! 

Grandma and Grandpa Cushman spent a few days with us over Thanksgiving weekend.  Connor had a great time reading books with Grandma.  

Connor very happily sharing his breakfast with Grandpa. 

We found out I was pregnant while we were in Lake Tahoe.  I guess I wasn't really "car sick" after all.  I had my first doctor's appointment earlier this month and was so happy to see the little heartbeat on the ultrasound.  I'm due July 24th, so Connor will become a big brother at 19 months old! 

Our family photo at our church Christmas service.  Next up: Christmas and Connor's 1st birthday!