Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Thoughts on having another boy

I'm really only blogging because I don't want there to be a gap between January and March on the list of months.  (Sometimes I'm more OCD than I like to admit).  BUT if there was ever a reason to blog, this is it: we're having another boy!

When I first found out I was pregnant I thought it was a girl.  That lasted for maybe the first trimester.  I was WAY more nauseous than I was with Connor, and don't they say that indicates a girl?  Oh, and I haven't craved spicy food at all this time around, unlike my last pregnancy when I poured Louisiana hot sauce all over my popcorn and had the fire hot sauce from Taco Bell for the first time in my life.  So of course it had to be a girl, right?

Then the headaches started.  That's when I started to be a little less sure.  They haven't been quite as bad as they were last time, but there is no denying that I have them...often.  I also started to just get the feeling that it was a boy.  I don't know.  I think moms just know.  And what made me 100% convinced was my appointment at 16 weeks.  The baby's heart rate was about 140bpm. They say that heart rates for girls are higher and boys are lower.  I told my doctor, "I guess that means it's a boy." He said, "This isn't an indicator at all."  But like I said, I was 100% sure.

So at the ultrasound when the tech asked if we wanted to know the sex, I said yes but that I was certain it was a boy.  Five minutes later, there was no mistaking! There he was on the screen!

It feels a little surreal that I'm going to have two little boys 19 months apart.  From as far back as I can remember, I always pictured myself as a mother with lots of kids.  But I never pictured myself with only boys.  I'm not saying that we're done after this one.  I would still love to have 4 or 5 kids (I know, I say that now).  But as of right now I'm going to be a mother to two boys.  Weird and cool all at the same time!

Here's the growing baby boy (and mama) at 18 weeks (2/21/12)
The more I think about it, the more I love it that this one is a boy.  I would still love to have a girl at some point, but there is something special about having two boys close together.  They'll be one grade apart in school.  They have a built-in play mate.  They can share a room and have bunk beds for a long time.  They'll be best buds.  And as one friend pointed out, I will be in great shape because of all the chasing after little boys I'll be doing. :)

I'm really excited for this new addition to our family.  I can't wait to pick a name and make him a quilt and decorate their "boy room."  I'm so grateful for this blessing.

And this is just because they're cute :)