Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Drum roll please...(baby name announcement!)

We kept Connor's name a secret for a few reasons, and it was definitely an experience trying to keep it a secret for that long.  In hindsight, I wouldn't necessarily say it was the best experience, and here's why:

1. Nicknames Connor got while in the womb: Spanky (thanks to his uncles) and Enrique (because I liked spicy food so much while pregnant with him).  Luckily neither name stuck, although my friends will occasionally slip and call Connor Enrique.

2.  It nearly destroyed a couple family relationships when Derek and I stood our ground even though we were faced with RELENTLESS peer pressure to divulge the name (you know who you are!) :)

3.  It was really, really uncomfortable every time someone would ask what we're naming him.  "We aren't telling."  Brief but AWKWARD silence usually followed.

So, we have decided that this baby boy's name will not be a secret!

Connor's little brother is...

(The N looks funny because it's actually two V's I think.)
We both just like the name, and we are still undecided on a middle name.