Thursday, July 5, 2012

Update on baby and other happenings

Just when I thought the last few weeks of pregnancy would be me wishing and hoping ANYTHING would happen to speed things along, this week happened.  I got my wish!

Connor had his 18 month appointment last Friday.  He was fine the whole day, but woke up the next morning burning up!  I've never had that experience before--rushing a little one to a cold bath and trying to stay calm while totally freaking out inside.  They warned me that a fever was likely, but he has never had one that high.  That was also the morning of a baby shower for Landon at our place.  Thankfully the tylenol helped and he was able to go out for a couple hours with daddy while we celebrated his soon-to-be-here little brother.

What a neat idea! Landon has some very personalized onsies :)

They are the best party-throwers ever.  We had such a nice, fun time!
The rest of the weekend was spent giving Connor tylenol and trying to keep him from being miserable. Then Derek started getting sick. :(  He went surfing Saturday morning before the shower and the water was really dirty.  Both he and his surfing buddy got sick.  By Monday night he was in bed with the flu.

Monday morning Connor took a fall and hit his head.  It turned out to be minor, but to rule out a concussion I had to wake him every 2-4 hours during nap and night time for two days.

Tuesday Derek stayed home sick from work.  Connor recovered from his shots and the fall, but wasn't the happiest baby on the block due to both of his top canine teeth coming in.

I started having contraction at around 2pm on Tuesday.  I've had Braxton Hicks contractions since about 18 weeks, so I'm used to them.  I actually almost went to the hospital Saturday night because they were coming so consistently, but after 2 hours, they started to taper off.  Well, they were consistently coming every 4-5 minutes for about 5 hours, so my doctor said I needed to go to the hospital.

I really didn't want to go.  My mom was out of town (and freaking out!) and Derek was sick in bed.  I also figured that I'd be in a lot more pain if I was actually in labor.  But I followed the doctor's orders and Wendy (a dear family friend) came and drove me to the hospital and Shawna met us there.

I am not kidding--right when I rolled onto that hospital bed, the contractions started!  They were every few minutes and painful...nothing like the BH contractions I had been having.  After getting checked a few times and monitored for a few hours, I had only gone from a 1 to 2 cm dilated.  The nurse said she felt bad because there wasn't much she could do.  At 37 weeks, they won't stop labor and they won't speed it up.  She gave me the option of staying but said I'd be more comfortable at home.

I went home and woke up with the same thing Derek had.  The good thing is that the contractions really did slow down.  I'm still having them regularly, but nothing like Tuesday night.

Leaving the hospital at 11:30pm Tuesday night @ 37 weeks
So here we are! Derek is taking medicine for strep throat, I'm gargling with salt water all day (which Connor thinks is hilarious), and we are happy if this baby waits a little while longer!

Oh, and yesterday we transitioned Connor to his toddler bed.  Why not?  So far so good!