Monday, September 24, 2012

Highlights from the first 8 weeks

A parenting book I have pretty much memorized calls the first 8 weeks the "stabilization" phase.  Well, here we are at 8 weeks and I'm feeling pretty stable!  Life really has become a new version of normal.  Adjusting to two kids has had it's ups and downs, but overall I'd say it has been a lot smoother than I thought.  Here are some highlights of the last 8 weeks:

  • His birth was a lot smoother (and shorter) than his brother's.  Landon arrived 4 days past his due date.  After a month of contractions and feeling SO uncomfortable, I was happy to be induced.  I was already 3-4cm when I arrived at the hospital.  At least those contractions were doing something!  At 10am, my doctor broke my water and started pitocin.  By 12pm I got an epidural (it worked this time and was AMAZING), and after 20 minutes of pushing, Landon made his debut at 7:22pm.  

  • Landon is a big boy and a great eater.  He is currently the size Connor was at about 4-5 months. Sorry to those of you who made or bought him really cute newborn clothes--he was just too big.    The only downside to having a big baby is that my tailbone broke during delivery.  I bruised it during Connor's delivery, but this time I actually heard a loud pop right before he came out.  It's supposed to start feeling better by 8 weeks.  Still waiting on that...
  • Connor LOVES his "bebe"!  He gives him kisses every chance he gets.  He didn't show any signs of jealousy at all.

  • Landon started sleeping through the night at 7 weeks.  Yay for a good night's sleep!
  • The boys go to bed together every night.  This was huge for me.  No matter how crazy the day is, I know that once 7:45pm rolls around, they will be in bed for the night and I can relax a little (or clean up the tornado of toys Connor leaves behind).  
  • Landon figured out pretty quickly how to self-sooth.  At 6ish weeks he started to discover his thumb.  Now at 8 weeks, as long as he can insert his thumb into his mouth, he will usually go to sleep with no crying.  

  • I started back at the gym at 6 weeks post partum! Hooray! Still waiting on any sort of results, but I'm hopeful. 
  • Derek had to go out of town for 5 days when Landon was 5 weeks old and we all survived it!
  • Landon takes a pacifier and a bottle.  Amazing.

  • Derek got me a Keurig! :) There's just something about that perfect cup of coffee in the morning that makes life a little sweeter.
  • We realized very quickly that life with a newborn is VERY different than life with a newborn and a toddler.  Landon has been a trooper...going to the beach at 1wk and 2 wks old, being nursed in very random places like the car (often), the beach boardwalk, and the elevator (AWKWARD), falling asleep with a 21 month old talking loudly in the bed next to you, etc.

  • Somehow the Once a Month Cooking that Shawna and I did in the beginning of July turned into Once Every Three Month Cooking.  It has been like that story in the Bible where the widow's oil just kept pouring into jar after jar.  I keep finding more and more meals in the freezer. :) 

Life is insanely busy and full with 2 kids, but it's worth it.  I love being a mom and I love our family of 4!