Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Quilt

I've never been more excited for my birthday to arrive as I was this year, but the reason had nothing to do with turning 30 or celebrating my birthday.  I got to give a special gift to my sister, and I had to wait 6 LONG months to do it! Here is the finished product:

Earlier this year, I forget how (I really don't think my memory is ever coming back after having 2 kids) but I got the idea to make Shawna a quilt that looks like a bookshelf.  My sister loves to read, and that is an understatement.  I don't know anyone who loves to read more than she does.  She reads at least 50 books each year and always carries a book in her purse.  She is simply "addicted to the written word" and quite good at writing the written word, too, but that is off topic.

I knew that a bookshelf quilt would be the perfect gift for her, so I set out make it happen.  I bought fabric, made very unprofessional sketches in a journal of what I wanted it to look like, did some calculations, and started cutting!

This is when things got tricky.  See, I am not actually a quilter.  I've made three quilts in my life: 1) a t-shirt quilt 2) a quilt for Connor and 3) a quilt for Landon.  All of these were fairly simple, and I got much-needed help from my amazing quilting friend, Jennifer. This bookshelf quilt was not simple. Not in the least (at least not to me).  Once my books were cut, I just sort of thought about it and stared at it for several days because I didn't know what to do next.  Thankfully it came together and started to look like an actual bookshelf.

Right about now I wanted to send this as a picture text to Shawna (7 months before our birthday) and say "Here it is! I did it!" because two of those four shelves were nearly the end of me--the ones with the slanted books--what was I thinking???? I am not a quilter!!!  I honestly don't know how it came together (except for many, many nap times and lots of prayer).  But I finished it and somehow managed to keep from telling Shawna all about it.  FOR SIX LONG MONTHS.

I thought it would be easier to make a quilt with a toddler and in my third trimester of pregnancy, rather than with a toddler and a newborn.  I was right.  The only problem was that I finished it in early June.  Our birthday is December 4th.  Giving her this quilt, along with finding out if we're identical or fraternal after 30 years of not knowing, made for quite an exciting birthday.

The Great Unveiling
At first she just thought I made her a purple quilt, which would have been great...purple is her favorite color. But it's wasn't just a purple quilt...
"It's a bookshelf!"
I think she liked it :)

Friday, November 23, 2012

Nothing says turning 30 like...

Getting your DNA tested.

That's right.  For our 30th birthday, my twin sister and I are getting our DNA tested.

Woohoo!  Soon we will finally have an answer for the #1 question we've been asked our entire lives, like hundreds and hundreds of times.  Are you identical or fraternal?  We don't know.  What do you mean you don't know?  Do you look alike?  Well, yes, we do look alike.  Lots of people say we're definitely identical.  But others don't think so.  If you look at our baby pictures, we look totally alike.  As we've gotten older, we don't look as much alike.  I'm taller.  She's skinnier.  I'm left-handed.  She's right-handed.  Etc. Etc. Etc.  So are you identical or fraternal?  We don't know.  They never told my mom.  We'd have to get our DNA tested to find out.  I can't believe you don't know!

In just a matter of days, the answer will simply be Identical or Fraternal.

I have to admit, I'm a little nervous.  I mean, what if we're neither?  Is that possible?  I'm certain that we shared a womb.  I have a vague memory of getting really bored and pushing my sister out because she was in my way (just kidding, but I am the younger twin).  I know we ARE twins.  But will Identical or Fraternal change the way we feel about each other?

I don't think so.  I've gotten to share my birthday with my best friend 29 times.  With the exception of #6 when she stole the cool outfit and I got stuck with the very uncool outfit (see picture below), I wouldn't have had it any other way.  Regardless of how "twin" we are, we're stuck with each other.  I thank God for that.

So for the last time, dear reader of my blog, you be the judge of whether we're identical or fraternal...

We were so tiny! 

Even our Punky Brewster shoes match
Birthday #6--you can tell from my body language how I feel about the outfit situation
Oh yeah, I braided my hair the night before

One of the few times we matched after the age of 5, and we didn't even plan it

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Once A Month Cooking with a Friend

So this is my third round of Once A Month Cooking, or I guess I should say Once Every Couple of Months Cooking.  I did it in May, July, and now September.  Each experience has been different with things that worked and things to change for next time, but one this is for sure--I am sold!  It is so worth it to me to do a whole lot of work all at once, and then have weeks and weeks of reaping the benefit when 5pm rolls around.  This time I partnered with my friend, Tynisia.  We cooked for almost 10 hours and made a LOT of food.
So much prep went into our big cooking day...choosing meals, planning out the day, shopping , etc. We started bright and early at around 8am.  
Here is Tynisia at the "burrito station." 
Putting our crockpots to work making Salsa Chicken and Black Bean Soup
Our little troopers!  Once a Month Cooking while nursing-the good thing is it forced us to sit down every few hours! :)

Now our freezers are full and we're recovering!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Highlights from the first 8 weeks

A parenting book I have pretty much memorized calls the first 8 weeks the "stabilization" phase.  Well, here we are at 8 weeks and I'm feeling pretty stable!  Life really has become a new version of normal.  Adjusting to two kids has had it's ups and downs, but overall I'd say it has been a lot smoother than I thought.  Here are some highlights of the last 8 weeks:

  • His birth was a lot smoother (and shorter) than his brother's.  Landon arrived 4 days past his due date.  After a month of contractions and feeling SO uncomfortable, I was happy to be induced.  I was already 3-4cm when I arrived at the hospital.  At least those contractions were doing something!  At 10am, my doctor broke my water and started pitocin.  By 12pm I got an epidural (it worked this time and was AMAZING), and after 20 minutes of pushing, Landon made his debut at 7:22pm.  

  • Landon is a big boy and a great eater.  He is currently the size Connor was at about 4-5 months. Sorry to those of you who made or bought him really cute newborn clothes--he was just too big.    The only downside to having a big baby is that my tailbone broke during delivery.  I bruised it during Connor's delivery, but this time I actually heard a loud pop right before he came out.  It's supposed to start feeling better by 8 weeks.  Still waiting on that...
  • Connor LOVES his "bebe"!  He gives him kisses every chance he gets.  He didn't show any signs of jealousy at all.

  • Landon started sleeping through the night at 7 weeks.  Yay for a good night's sleep!
  • The boys go to bed together every night.  This was huge for me.  No matter how crazy the day is, I know that once 7:45pm rolls around, they will be in bed for the night and I can relax a little (or clean up the tornado of toys Connor leaves behind).  
  • Landon figured out pretty quickly how to self-sooth.  At 6ish weeks he started to discover his thumb.  Now at 8 weeks, as long as he can insert his thumb into his mouth, he will usually go to sleep with no crying.  

  • I started back at the gym at 6 weeks post partum! Hooray! Still waiting on any sort of results, but I'm hopeful. 
  • Derek had to go out of town for 5 days when Landon was 5 weeks old and we all survived it!
  • Landon takes a pacifier and a bottle.  Amazing.

  • Derek got me a Keurig! :) There's just something about that perfect cup of coffee in the morning that makes life a little sweeter.
  • We realized very quickly that life with a newborn is VERY different than life with a newborn and a toddler.  Landon has been a trooper...going to the beach at 1wk and 2 wks old, being nursed in very random places like the car (often), the beach boardwalk, and the elevator (AWKWARD), falling asleep with a 21 month old talking loudly in the bed next to you, etc.

  • Somehow the Once a Month Cooking that Shawna and I did in the beginning of July turned into Once Every Three Month Cooking.  It has been like that story in the Bible where the widow's oil just kept pouring into jar after jar.  I keep finding more and more meals in the freezer. :) 

Life is insanely busy and full with 2 kids, but it's worth it.  I love being a mom and I love our family of 4!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Update on baby and other happenings

Just when I thought the last few weeks of pregnancy would be me wishing and hoping ANYTHING would happen to speed things along, this week happened.  I got my wish!

Connor had his 18 month appointment last Friday.  He was fine the whole day, but woke up the next morning burning up!  I've never had that experience before--rushing a little one to a cold bath and trying to stay calm while totally freaking out inside.  They warned me that a fever was likely, but he has never had one that high.  That was also the morning of a baby shower for Landon at our place.  Thankfully the tylenol helped and he was able to go out for a couple hours with daddy while we celebrated his soon-to-be-here little brother.

What a neat idea! Landon has some very personalized onsies :)

They are the best party-throwers ever.  We had such a nice, fun time!
The rest of the weekend was spent giving Connor tylenol and trying to keep him from being miserable. Then Derek started getting sick. :(  He went surfing Saturday morning before the shower and the water was really dirty.  Both he and his surfing buddy got sick.  By Monday night he was in bed with the flu.

Monday morning Connor took a fall and hit his head.  It turned out to be minor, but to rule out a concussion I had to wake him every 2-4 hours during nap and night time for two days.

Tuesday Derek stayed home sick from work.  Connor recovered from his shots and the fall, but wasn't the happiest baby on the block due to both of his top canine teeth coming in.

I started having contraction at around 2pm on Tuesday.  I've had Braxton Hicks contractions since about 18 weeks, so I'm used to them.  I actually almost went to the hospital Saturday night because they were coming so consistently, but after 2 hours, they started to taper off.  Well, they were consistently coming every 4-5 minutes for about 5 hours, so my doctor said I needed to go to the hospital.

I really didn't want to go.  My mom was out of town (and freaking out!) and Derek was sick in bed.  I also figured that I'd be in a lot more pain if I was actually in labor.  But I followed the doctor's orders and Wendy (a dear family friend) came and drove me to the hospital and Shawna met us there.

I am not kidding--right when I rolled onto that hospital bed, the contractions started!  They were every few minutes and painful...nothing like the BH contractions I had been having.  After getting checked a few times and monitored for a few hours, I had only gone from a 1 to 2 cm dilated.  The nurse said she felt bad because there wasn't much she could do.  At 37 weeks, they won't stop labor and they won't speed it up.  She gave me the option of staying but said I'd be more comfortable at home.

I went home and woke up with the same thing Derek had.  The good thing is that the contractions really did slow down.  I'm still having them regularly, but nothing like Tuesday night.

Leaving the hospital at 11:30pm Tuesday night @ 37 weeks
So here we are! Derek is taking medicine for strep throat, I'm gargling with salt water all day (which Connor thinks is hilarious), and we are happy if this baby waits a little while longer!

Oh, and yesterday we transitioned Connor to his toddler bed.  Why not?  So far so good!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

My first once-a-month-cooking experience

OAMC.  Once a month cooking.  That was one line item on my list of things to do this week.  In hindsight, I should have probably left it off and instead made a gigantic list of all the millions of tasks included in "OAMC".  For someone who loves to check things off as much as I do, that would have been WAY more fun and WAY more rewarding.

Amidst the chaos
I really can't believe people do this every month, and most of them do it in one day! It took me four days...four LONG days of sore feet, dishes, aluminum foil, DISHES, ziplocs, and more dishes.  Of course I didn't cook non-stop.  I squeezed it in during nap time, bedtime, and here and there throughout the day when Connor was happily entertaining himself.  He was a trooper! And he loved the really off key song I made up and sang at the end of it: "I'm done cooking.  I'm really done!  I'm done!!!  I'm done!!!!"  I think I was on the verge of going crazy. :)
I actually do hope I'm one of those crazy people who will do this once a month.  Next month I'll be 8 months pregnant. I don't know how that's going to work exactly, but if there's ever a good time to fill the freezer with meals, it's when you're 8 months pregnant.  Now I know it can be done.  And I'm sure over the next few weeks when I don't have to cook much, I'll get very motivated to do it all over again.  

Amazing! 12 dinners just sitting there!
This is a tiny fraction of the amount of dishes I've washed over the last few days
Connor had quite a fun lunch while I was busy cooking something...I pretty much had to hose him down afterward.
Battle wound
Here is what is now in the freezer:

16 dinners (each dinner is enough for 3 adults)
A dozen cheese/garlic biscuits
10 breakfast burritos
14 bean/beef/rice/cheese burritos
18 whole wheat cornbread muffins
2 servings of pizza sauce
Chicken for bbq chicken pizza
2 pizza doughs
Taco meat
3 things of baked oatmeal

Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Boys' Room is Finished!

I am SO glad to cross this "project" off my list of things to do.  It took a really long time and involved a lot of tasks that I wasn't very comfortable doing (I don't consider myself a crafty person and there are lots of "crafty things" in this room).  But I did it and now it's done--with 9 weeks to spare! The end result is pretty much what I envisioned--sort of a bright and colorful ocean-themed room.  It will work for a couple years I hope.
That little guy in the crib is not, in fact, Landon.  But we aren't quite ready to make the toddler bed transition so he gets to stare at Landon's letters for a while longer.  
Couldn't find cute bookends, so like most things in this room, I thought "Why don't I just make them?"  Now I'm very prepared in case I'm ever asked to make little bean bags for carnival games.

I couldn't find toddler bedding I liked, so I used the extra fabric I had  (plus the curtains I made for his last room) and he has toddler bedding!
First time I've made pillows!
Connor's "pirate" quilt
Landon's "sea creature" quilt

I also looked for one of these, but I ended up just making it. 

The crib skirt

This isn't part of the room, of course, but I got really excited about how it turned out.