Friday, November 23, 2012

Nothing says turning 30 like...

Getting your DNA tested.

That's right.  For our 30th birthday, my twin sister and I are getting our DNA tested.

Woohoo!  Soon we will finally have an answer for the #1 question we've been asked our entire lives, like hundreds and hundreds of times.  Are you identical or fraternal?  We don't know.  What do you mean you don't know?  Do you look alike?  Well, yes, we do look alike.  Lots of people say we're definitely identical.  But others don't think so.  If you look at our baby pictures, we look totally alike.  As we've gotten older, we don't look as much alike.  I'm taller.  She's skinnier.  I'm left-handed.  She's right-handed.  Etc. Etc. Etc.  So are you identical or fraternal?  We don't know.  They never told my mom.  We'd have to get our DNA tested to find out.  I can't believe you don't know!

In just a matter of days, the answer will simply be Identical or Fraternal.

I have to admit, I'm a little nervous.  I mean, what if we're neither?  Is that possible?  I'm certain that we shared a womb.  I have a vague memory of getting really bored and pushing my sister out because she was in my way (just kidding, but I am the younger twin).  I know we ARE twins.  But will Identical or Fraternal change the way we feel about each other?

I don't think so.  I've gotten to share my birthday with my best friend 29 times.  With the exception of #6 when she stole the cool outfit and I got stuck with the very uncool outfit (see picture below), I wouldn't have had it any other way.  Regardless of how "twin" we are, we're stuck with each other.  I thank God for that.

So for the last time, dear reader of my blog, you be the judge of whether we're identical or fraternal...

We were so tiny! 

Even our Punky Brewster shoes match
Birthday #6--you can tell from my body language how I feel about the outfit situation
Oh yeah, I braided my hair the night before

One of the few times we matched after the age of 5, and we didn't even plan it


  1. Oh that's a tough one. I say identical, even though you do look a little different! If you are fraternal, you are the most similar looking fraternal twins I've seen! :-)

  2. We are...just a couple until the mystery is
