Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Journal of the Newborn Stage

12 Weeks
What a week.  Connor is 3 months old! Time is starting to go by a lot faster.  Our little boy is growing up.  We had more firsts this week, some exciting (the first laugh), some not so exciting (our first trip to the emergency room). 

More Firsts
I experienced his first real laugh on March 24th (12 weeks).  He tries so hard, but so far that was the only time he did it.  He is talking much more, though.  He also started holding toys, and he discovered (when I put it in his hands) his Bear.  Between his fingers and his Bear, he’s set!  We also had our first trip to the ER.  When we woke him up for his dream feed, he was not himself.  He cried and cried, didn’t want to eat, and kept rubbing his eye.  Derek thought he might have scratched it, so we took him just in case.  It was frustrating, to say the least.  Apparently even if he did scratch it (and they didn’t say if he did or not), it would heal itself in 24 hours.  It seemed fine the next day, which led me to think through what else could have caused his unusual behavior. 

Schedule Changes
I’m still in the midst of not knowing what is happening, but I’ll guess.  Maybe next week it will be clearer.  For the past week or two, he has been really fussy while eating.  I thought it was a supply issue, so I’ve been pumping after every feeding, eating more, drinking special tea.  That’s what happened Monday night before the ER visit.  But I think the problem is that he isn’t hungry when it’s time to eat.  And that is due to me having him on a 2 ½ -3 ½ hour schedule.  If he isn’t going through a growth spurt, he shouldn’t be eating at 2 ½ hours.  And what I’ve been doing is keeping him awake 80-90 minutes so that if he wakes early from his nap, we’d be close enough to the 2.5 hour mark.  The other thing I’ve been doing is waking him from his first nap once it has been 3 hours since his last feeding.  It starts a cycle where he didn’t get enough morning sleep, I’m keeping him up too long, he’s waking up early, I try to feed him and he’s not hungry…

So what does this mean?  I’m not exactly sure.  It feels so early to move to a 4 hour schedule (which means 4 daytime feedings and 3 naps)—he’s 13 weeks!  But he is sleeping consistently through the night (I wake him at 9 ½ hours) and he has been eating well for the last two days on this new schedule.  Babywise says they should be ready to move to this schedule by 3-4 months.  Maybe Connor is just on the early end.   

 I guess it’s a combo 3-4 hour schedule: wake up 7:30-7:45am, eat and up for just over an hour, nap until 4 hours after his last feeding (which I’ve had to wake him for), eat and up for just over an hour, nap until 3-3:30pm, eat and up until close to 5pm if possible, catnap until 5:45-6:00pm, play until 6:30pm, eat and bed by 7:30pm.  It has only been two full days of it, so I guess anything can happen still!

Dream Feed
My plan was to drop the dream feed first, and to do that in a few weeks.  I wasn’t even thinking 4 hour schedule.  But I don’t want to drop the dream feed if it would mean he’s only getting 4 feedings in per day.  Maybe I’ll wait until after 4 months to drop the dream feed.  By then he should be able to go 12 hours at night (7:30pm-7:30am) and get 4 feedings per day.  Maybe I’ll wait until his doctor’s appt. on May 9th and see that he’s gaining weight as he should. 

Mommy’s First Day Away
On Saturday I spent the whole day at a women’s conference.  Derek called at 11am because Connor wouldn’t take the bottle, but after about 30 minutes and heating the milk a lot, he took the bottle.  The rest of the day was call-free.  It was so nice to get out for a whole day.  I did have to pump three times but that’s just what I need to do now.  I’ll take it!

11 Weeks
Connor spent his 12th week of life (11 weeks-12 weeks) in cold and rainy Chicago.  The snow didn’t start until we were in the plane waiting to take off, but technically I guess that was his first snowfall.  The week was full of firsts!

First Time on a Plane
Connor did really well.  On the flight there, he fell asleep before we boarded and I held him for about five hours total.  My arms felt like mush, but he was content.  He cried for maybe a total of five minutes.  On the flight back, he did fall asleep when we boarded, but then we had to sit in an unmoving plane for an hour due to the snow/ice issue, so he was wide awake for take-off.  Much to our surprise, he smiled the entire take-off.  It was so cute!  He slept, ate, and slept some more.  This time we just laid him on our laps and he slept fine (it also helped that this flight was at night).  Oh, and another surprise for us was how helpful the pacifier was.  It was shoved way down deep in his diaper bag because we never use it, but he took it just fine!

First Time in Chicago
One of the things I was worried about was his schedule.  We were in a new place, he slept in a pack ‘n’ play, and there were many “disruptions”.  The disruptions were all good things, and while it threw off some naps, it all worked out ok.  Grandma and Grandpa got to show him off at church, I got to hold him in the Baby Bjorn while we shopped, we drove to the city to pick Derek up one night, and I nursed him in public place (with the cover, of course).  His naps were ok…sort of unpredictable.  But what was so wonderful was that he slept through the night every night we were there.  He would wake up around 5:30am and talk/coo to himself for about an hour and then he would fall back to sleep.  Most mornings I had to wake him up because I still don’t want to go past 9 ½ hours for milk production purposes. 

First Time Tummy Time was Different
It all started with Connor the magician in the borrowed pack ‘n’ play.  I put him to bed (swaddled) in one direction and found him (still swaddled) in the opposite direction.  It happened almost every time.  Sometimes he came un-swaddled, sometimes not.  I think the mattress sort of went in at the middle, so he just moved all around.  But then he started moving onto his side on his own, and then one day I rolled him onto his tummy for tummy time and his head stayed up!  I couldn’t believe my eyes!

First Time Mommy and Daddy Had Date Night
Connor got to stay with Grandma and Grandpa while we went out to a nice Italian restaurant.  It was so, so nice having someone else take care of him and not be called home.  I fed him his 6pm/7pm-ish feeding, and then we left.  Grandma and Grandpa did the whole bedtime routine with him, and they said he cried for about two minutes.  Yay!

First Time Nursing in Public
First it was the airport, then the airplane, then a couple restaurants.  Now we’re pros.  It’s very convenient.  I do love my breast friend pillow, though.  I’m happy to have it back again today.

First (and Second) Poop Explosion/Change in the Car
Man, oh man.  He didn’t waste any time.  Our flight landed, we got to the van, and BAM! It was everywhere.  We had to change him in the car and the clothes ended up being thrown away.  It was accidental, but they probably wouldn’t have come clean anyways.  It happened again on the way to the airport.  It took three of us but we were up for the challenge.  What a nice start and end to our trip. J

Oh, and the chirping sound that greets us in the car, in the middle of the night, in the early morning, or really any time of day is not a bird.  It’s Connor sucking his fingers.  It’s adorable.

10 Weeks
Connor is getting so big.  I would normally write this summary of 10 weeks tomorrow (the start of 11 weeks), but tomorrow we’ll be traveling to Chicago.  What an adventure we have in store for us! I’m so glad the growth spurt happened this week.

Growth Spurt
I wasn’t sure if I’d know when a growth spurt happened, but it was very easy to tell.  Last Thursday (the start of 10 weeks, or his 11th week) he woke up crying at 6am.  That’s a little unusual for him.  He usually wakes up later, or I have to wake him up, or he fusses for a little while and “talks” to himself in his crib.  But this was definitely a “hungry” cry.  For the next three days, he had 7 feedings instead of 6.  His nights were ok, but at the end of the growth spurt, he woke up in the middle of the night two nights in a row.  Maybe it was lingering hunger?  I don’t know.  That was a bummer.  He was extremely fussy, too.  He would cry before/during/after feedings, and also when I put him down for a nap or bed.  But now he’s back to normal, and I guess a little bigger!

We have a good sleeper.  Babywise says to take credit for this because it’s due to the training we gave him.  I’m just happy to get good sleep!  Last night was the most so far.  I had to wake him up at 7:30am, which was 9 ½ hours of sleep!  I had to pump a little at 6am two mornings ago and this morning I just expressed a little.  I was very full and uncomfortable.  My body started to adjust to him going about 8 or 9 hours this past week, but then those two mornings with middle of the night feedings made my supply increase I guess.

No More Intruder
I think it’s safe to say it’s over for now.  In hindsight, I would say that it snuck up on us at about 6 weeks (or his 7th week) and lasedt 2-3 weeks.  By 8 weeks it had started to get better.  By 9 weeks it was mostly gone.  By 10 weeks it was gone.  Now I’m back to waking him up most of the time.  It’s wonderful!  I do think it started with a growth spurt and was also a sleep transition issue.  He still does wake up a lot during the transition, but what is helping immensely is his newfound obsession with his fingers and thumbs.  More on that in a minute.

Naps and Waketime
Naps were good this week.  For two Mondays in a row he woke up 30 minutes into his last nap of the day.  It might be that he just doesn’t need as long of a nap.  I just put him in his green frog seat while I made dinner because I wanted to keep his feeding closer to 7pm.  His waketime is still about 1 hour 20 minutes.  During his growth spurt it was much less. 

His Most Favorite Thing(s)
Connor is addicted to his thumb/fingers.  The second I lay him down in his crib and Velcro the swaddle blanket, his arms shoot up and his fingers go in him mouth.  That’s typically how I find him at the end of his naps, too.  It is adorable!  And for the last three days he hasn’t cried one time for naps or bedtime.

Oh tummy time.  I can’t wait for Connor to be past this stage of needing tummy time, only because he is so miserable during it.  But it is a must.  I’m starting to help him to “play” with rattles and toys.  He’s starting to grasp them with his fingers.  He loves his play gyms, his frog seat, and his mobile.  He’s getting less interested in his changing pad time, but he’s still mostly happy there.  Whenever I use a wipe on him, he says “Aaahhh” and smiles.  Every time—without fail.  It’s because of how cold it is, but it doesn’t seem to bother him.  He’s quite content to play by himself, but he always breaks into big smiles when he sees one of us.

Big Week
But not as big as next week.  This week we went to Nana’s and she baby-sat Connor.  I went to Starbucks while Connor napped in his pack-n-play (no tears at naptime) and then he woke up hungry (growth spurt day) and she fed him a bottle.  Then on Sunday morning it was my first time teaching again, so Derek took Connor home.  Halfway through class he called me and asked me to come home because Connor woke up early and was hungry.  We should have had milk thawed out.  Next time we will be more prepared.  We also ran errands, had the Rozman’s over for dinner, and daddy had to go to Atlanta for a couple days. L  Tomorrow we leave for Chicago! Derek has a seminar, and Connor and I are staying with his parents.  These are the things I’m concerned about: his schedule, the airport, the flight, his ears on the plane, my milk supply, and naps/sleeping.   I guess that isn’t so bad!

9 Weeks
Things are getting easier.  I don’t know if it’s because things actually are getting easier or if I’m getting more confident and comfortable with what I’m doing.  Connor is such a good baby.  Maybe that has something to do with it. 

Wake Time
Connor is awake for longer stretches now.  I’d say his “optimum” wake time length is about 1 hour 20 minutes.  I realized that an hour is too short because he would cry for a long time when I put him down, probably because he wasn’t tired enough to fall asleep.  The other thing I’m learning is that it’s ok if he is up longer sometimes (like when we’re at church) or if he wakes up early and we’re out.  He will catch up.  Our schedule will get back on track.  Also, he won’t fall asleep in the car unless he’s ready for a nap anyways. 

45 Minute Intruder
Especially by the end of this week, it seemed like the intruder was gone.  My guess is one of three things: either he simply outgrew this phase for now, or he is learning how to self-soothe and sucked his thumb to put himself back to sleep, or it had started with his growth spurt at the start of 6 weeks and it took this long to get back to normal with his sleep pattern.  If it’s #3, then I hope it doesn’t start all over again with his next growth spurt (which I think is today—the start of 10 weeks).

Keep on Swaddling
Two mornings this week when I went to get him up in the morning, he pretty much had unswaddled himself.  His legs and one arm were completely out.  The pictures are hilarious.  So I researched and though maybe it’s time to stop.  I tried it for one of his naps.  He cried more than normal, so I went in and reswaddled him.  He stopped crying immediately, smiled at me while I reswaddled him, and went right to sleep. J  I just hope he outgrows it by the time summer rolls around and it gets too hot!

This week we progressed up to 8 or 9 hours most nights.  His last feeding is around 9:30-10pm and he’s waking up anywhere between 6-7:30am.  Yay!  I think Derek might be waking him up when he gets ready for work in the morning.  I need to figure out what to do about that—I don’t want a 6am wake time!

Milk Supply
I had a little scare this week.  I thought my milk supply was decreasing—mostly on my left side.  I started pumping after every feeding to build it up.  I think it had to do with going much longer at night without nursing, and I also got lazy about alternating sides.  I started doing the “which side feels fuller” method, and it was always the right side.  But everything seems ok now, and I’m wearing a rubber band on my wrist to remind me which side to use. 

The Thumb and More
It’s official—we have a thumb-sucker.  He’s pretty much obsessed.  And I might as well throw all our pacifiers away.  It’s a lost cause.  His hands keep him quite happy, though, so I’m happy.  He’s talking much more now, too.  He mostly says “ahh” but he says it a lot more!  He hates tummy time.  He doesn’t seem to be progressing in that area, but we just keep putting him on his tummy and one of these days I’m sure he’ll do something like lift his head or push up.  He has cried for naps a little this week.  I don’t like it, but I know that it won’t last forever.  I had to nurse him at church on Sunday.  He was awake the whole time in the nursery.  And for our group on Tuesday nights, it’s great—he sleeps in his infant seat upstairs the whole time.  Oh, and I had to go shopping in the “extra clothes bins” in his closet.  He is outgrowing A LOT of clothes right now.  He’s just so tall!  He’s mostly in 3 months or 3-6 months and completely out of newborn/0-3 months.

8 Weeks
This was a good week—maybe the best so far.  We did lots of “normal” activities and had a few “firsts”, and it all went very smoothly!  This is also the first week where I started to believe that Babywise really does work. 

The Bottle
Practice really does make perfect.  I refused to give up, and on Sunday Connor drank 1.5oz from a bottle! Two days later he drank 3.5oz!  I don’t know what happened, other than I made sure the milk was pretty warm.  It’s like something just clicked and he knew what to do.  What a breakthrough!

We are officially in the sleep-through-the-night club. J  That middle of the night feeding really did progress.  Over the last few weeks it went from 2-3am to 3-4am to 4-5am.  Two nights ago he went until 5:15am and this morning I had to wake him at 7:15am.  9 hours at 9 weeks!  Hooray!  My plan was to just start “weaning” him off of that middle of the night feeding by offering him only one side and slowly cutting down the minutes, and I’ll still do that if last night was a fluke (or due to his shots).  I also started turning off the monitor so that I only hear the actual cry rather than his little fusses or whimpers right before he drifts back to sleep.

No More Tears
It is just the weirdest thing.  First it was bedtime and middle of the night, then it also included the last nap of the day, and now it’s practically every nap.  He doesn’t cry! I put him to bed and not a peep!  This is truly wonderful!

They’re getting a little better.  I don’t think the intruder is gone, but even with the intruder, Connor has been getting better at putting himself back to sleep.  I continue to trouble-shoot.  It seems like the intruder comes most often during the two afternoon naps.  The last nap of the day is always fine.  And it’s usually a better day when the first nap of the day is good (like right now!).  What has also helped is knowing that regardless of how the day goes, it always seems to work out by the last nap, and we have a consistent “after 4pm”.  For now the schedule that seems to be best is 7-10-1-4-7-10 ISH. 

What a week! We went to the mall, went to Nana’s for a visit (where he had to take 2 naps—one on the bed and one in his infant seat—and it went fine), he went to the nursery at church for the first time, we had a church group party from 5-8pm on Sunday and we followed the schedule at their house, we visited ECCU for 2 hours on Monday (he took his nap in my arms!), he drank from a bottle, and he had his 2 month check-up (and afterwards mommy and daddy went to Chick-Fil-A and Nordstrom Rack).   It’s nice to do normal things and know that Connor is going to be ok. 

The 2 Month Check-up
Those shots were terrible! His face turned very red and he cried like I’ve never heard him cry—so, so sad!  He’s almost in the 50th percentile for weight and he’s in the 80th percentile for height.  The doctor said he looks great and to keep doing whatever I’m doing.  Everything else looked good.  I went with my list of questions and got all of them answered…it’s ok to have 6 feedings per day now that he’s sleeping through the night, his birthmark should be done growing hopefully, we need to use dandruff shampoo on him to clear up his dry and flaky scalp, breast milk is the best thing for his blocked tear duct, 3.5oz is a good amount for each feeding right now, we should use baby powder to see if his skin is ok with it, etc.

7 Weeks
The week of smiles and the 45-minute intruder.  Both were very present and affected our days.  The good thing is they sort of balanced each other out.

The 45-Minute Monster
I’ve been desperately trying to trouble-shoot this problem, but I don’t know how successful I’m being.  I’ve poured over my logs of waketime, feedings, etc. and it seems like the 45-minute intruder started around the time he started getting 7 feedings a day.  I don’t remember it happening as early as 4 ½ weeks but maybe that’s just my failing memory.  I know for sure it started before 6 weeks.  But what do we do about it?  We also have an unbelievably annoying barking dog a few houses down, and that might also be affecting the situation.  To combat that, Connor now takes a few naps in the bassinet in our walk-in closet.  Yes, he sleeps in the closet.  When he wakes up from a nap, what I’ve started to do is rock him for a few minutes until he’s asleep again, then I put him back in his crib.  It has been mostly successful, usually adding another 45 minutes or so to his nap.  But am I starting a bad habit?  Just this morning I started thinking that maybe the problem is he’s getting too much sleep, which means his optimal wake time is actually longer than an hour.  We’ll try that and see what happens.  And I think I’m just going to embrace a 2 ½ hour schedule for now.  I guess that’s a good way to get in 7 feedings once he starts sleeping through the night.

Happy Boy
Connor is doing much better about crying before naps and bed time.  He’s starting to have many more times of going down without crying at all, especially at night.  I’d say it’s averaging about 5 minutes or less overall.  I look forward to night time. J He has also woken up “talking” to himself and is all smiles when I go in to get him.  What a joy! 

It seems to be down to about 20-25 minutes now.  He burps a few minutes into it, and it sounds like he’s guzzling, so I think he’s just becoming a more efficient eater. 

The Night We’ve All Been Waiting For
It happened! At 7 ½ weeks he slept through the night! I heard him at about 3:30am so I went to his door and he stopped crying.  Then I heard him again at around 5am and the same thing happened.  Finally I woke him up at 6:30am (he went to sleep normal time—bed by 8pm, dream feed at 9:30pm).  Unfortunately that was the only time so far, but it seems like the stretch is getting longer (wakes up around 4am).  Except for last night, that is.  He was up at 1:45am and 5:45am! Where did that come from? He hasn’t done that in almost 3 weeks!  I’m learning that babies are very unpredictable.   Maybe it’s another growth spurt.

Big Adventures
Connor met Uncle Josh this weekend.  Actually all of his uncles were here for poker night.  It was also the first Sunday at church that he pretty much didn’t sleep, so I took him out of his infant seat so people could see him.  Other than that, it was a pretty uneventful week.  Oh, we had some issues with the cloth diapers (the inserts needed to be stripped, too) but I think that problem is solved and they seem to be working just fine. 

No Bottle for Connor
He just refuses to drink from it.  We’ve tried Medela, Playtex VentAire, Dr. Brown, and Nuk.  None of them seem to interest him.  Derek has tried.  I’ve tried.  He just moves the nipple around with his tongue but doesn’t suck or swallow, and eventually he starts crying.  This is not good!

6 Weeks
This week was full of highs and lows.  Last Thursday (at the start of week 6) I had my breaking point, which led me to spending hours online reading everything I could about Babywise and the issues we were having.  The biggest issue was crying.  The second biggest issue was naptime.  I found really great information, first from my old roommate’s husband who is a pediatrician (so random).  He shared all about their experience implementing the Babywise methods, and suggested the website “Chronicles of a Babywise Mom”.  That blog has been a gift from God. 

The 4 S’s.  I read about it last Thursday, implemented it during the afternoon nap, and life has been a little sweeter ever since.  Seriously, it felt like magic.  Connor responds to the steps very well (Set the scene, Swaddle, Sit or Stand, Shush/Pat).  In just one week his crying before naptime and bedtime has gotten down to less than 5 minutes most of the time, with several times of no crying at all.  Even the dreaded “8pm-ish” bedtime (which is when I would usually start crying right along with him) is now something I look forward to in our day.  It’s amazing. 

Smiles.  Connor is one happy baby.  He’s smiling so much now.  I can’t get enough of it.  There have been a few times when he smiles at me when I pick him up from a nap.  His favorite place in the whole world is on his changing pad.  I don’t know what it is about it but he goes crazy with squeals of delight and lots of kicking and his weird “left arm bent, right arm extended, both hands in fists” pose.  Second would be watching his USC Mobile.  He just stares at it and smiles.  He is such a joy.

The 45-minute Intruder.  I’ve read that it “rears its ugly head” at around 3-4 months, but I guess we’re getting an early preview.  It is not fun.  The minimal crying has been the high this week, but this has definitely been the low.  It started strong last Wednesday, which we thought must have been a growth spurt.  Maybe it was, but it didn’t stop there.  I’m still working on trouble-shooting this ugly intruder.  So far what I’ve come up with is making sure his wake time isn’t too long.  What seems to be “optimal” wake time for Connor is 1 hour.  Anything more than that and he will almost definitely wake up 30-45 minutes into his nap.  That’s about all I’ve got so far.  I get really nervous right around 45 minutes into each nap.  Many times he wakes up, gives a good “waaa waaa” and then drifts off to sleep till his nap is done.  That’s when I take a deep breath.  But for those naps that the “waaa waaa” turns into wailing, we’re still at a loss for what to do.   

Nursing.  Connor is a great eater.  He has been since day 1.  He’s starting to eat more in less time now.  I know because about 5-10 minutes into it he starts pulling away.  I quickly learned it’s because he needs to burp.  Then he goes right back to eating.   It takes about 30-35 minutes now as opposed to 40-45 minutes.

Nighttime Sleep.  We’re getting close to that wonderful “sleeping through the night” milestone.  He is really great at night.  He eats at about 7pm, is in bed by 8pm, I wake him to eat at around 9:30pm, and then he wakes up once during the night, usually around 3am.  Then he’s up at around 6:30am (most of the time I need to wake him, which makes me think maybe 7am would be a better wake time).  One of these days we’re going to experience what Babywise describes as “One night they just sleep until morning”.  I can’t wait!

Big Adventures.  Connor went to Chick Fil A twice this week.  It’s a little embarrassing how often we go.  On Monday when we were there with Heather and Jennifer, he woke up from his nap and I actually needed to get him out of his infant seat.  That was a first! I wasn’t quite prepared for how much attention he would draw.  One lady in the booth behind us couldn’t believe how alert he was at only 6 weeks.  Two ladies next to us at two different tables said how adorable he was.  It’s true.  He is. J  We went over Tracy’s house this week, and I breastfed him there.  We went to In N Out with Amanda.  He was a good boy on Sunday.  Derek and I spent two hours at Lens Crafters and then we went to Winco.  He cried on the way home but was happy once I fed him.  Oh, and our growth group started on Tuesday night, which I’ve been really anxious about.  Connor surprised me.  He wasn’t asleep when we got there, but Derek put him in one of the bedrooms in his infant seat and he fell asleep quickly.  He did the “waaa, waaa” halfway through, but other than that he was a perfect sleeping angel the whole time.
Trying Cloth Again. It’s back to cloth diapers for us.  We got the stripping agent and stripped all 18 cloth diapers, so hopefully no more leaking (although a couple have leaked so far).  He will continue to wear the nighttime diapers probably until we run out, but during the day it’s back to being green. 
(Taking a deep breath.  We’re past the 45 minute mark and he’s still asleep.  J

The first 6 weeks
I write this at 6 ½ weeks and it’s already a blur.  But so many things happened during these “early” weeks, and I’m going to try my best to remember them.  After 36 hours of labor, Connor arrived—not exactly bright-eyed and bushy-tailed but very alert for a newborn and a good eater!  We stayed in the hospital from Tuesday night to Saturday afternoon.  We were definitely ready to come home.  We brought Connor home on January 1st, 2011.  What a way to start a new year! 

I was very emotional during this time (especially the first two weeks).  I broke down in tears for no apparent reason at least every other day.  I was also extremely sore.  It was hard work pushing Connor out, and my body was not happy about it.  Mostly it was my tail bone that bothered me.  (Presently the pain has lessened but sadly it hasn’t gone away yet). 

From day 1 we put Connor down in his bed before he was asleep.  He has slept in his crib since the first night home, and also for his naps (except when we’re out and about and he’s in his infant seat).  Sometimes he went right down and didn’t cry.  Most of the time, though, he would cry for 5-10 minutes and usually 15 minutes after he fell asleep he would wake up and cry again for a few seconds.   He especially didn’t like the 7 or 8pm sleep.  One night he cried almost 45 minutes, and so did I L.

The first couple of weeks were full of feedings around the clock—10-1-4-7.  Next time I’ll let him/her sleep until he/she wakes up after the 10pm feeding.  At 2 weeks I started doing that, but it took about 1 ½ weeks until Connor got the “sleep longer” memo.  For the next couple of weeks I tweaked his schedule every few days until about 5 ½ weeks when we landed on a good one.  A friend suggested “cluster feed” so for a while I fed him at 8pm and 10pm.  He didn’t do well with this (his longest cry above).  Then we tried feeding him at 7pm and keeping him up till 8:30pm and feeding him again before bed.  He didn’t do well with this either.  What was also difficult at this point was getting in 8 feedings a day.  At 4 weeks he started having 7 feedings a day most days. 

I also resisted having a “start time” to our day.  Since I never knew what the nights would be like, our days never started the same time (most of the time because I was hoping for more sleep).  At 5 weeks I couldn’t take the inconsistency anymore and I just decided to make 6:30am the first feeding (give or take 15 minutes).  Finally, at 5 ½ weeks we landed on a schedule that seems to work great so far anyways.  Our day starts around 6:30am, he eats every 2 ½ - 3 ½ hours until about 6:30-7pm when he gets his last feeding cycle, which ends with bedtime.  Then I wake him up at around 9:30pm for one last feeding.  He typically wakes up once during the night.

Milestones for the first 5 weeks: at 3 weeks he rolled over in his crib.  He slept 5 hours at night for the first time at 3 weeks 2 days.  At 5 weeks he slept 7 hours.  His outings included church (he sleeps the whole time every week), Chick-Fil-A several times, a super bowl party at Aunt Sue’s house, watching  a game at Uncle Brady’s, being baby-sat for the first time by Uncle Brady (I had to come home early because he peed everywhere and wouldn’t calm down after that), being visited by MANY people, including Grandma and Grandpa Cushman during the second week, his 2 week doctor appointment, a doctor appointment a week later about his birthmark, the first bath, lots of tummy time, and I’m sure lots more but I can’t remember.

Overall the first 5 weeks were full of learning all about Connor and how to take care of him.  Everyone comments on how handsome he is.  We get “He really is a cute baby” all the time.  People also comment on how alert and aware he is. 

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