Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Now I'm really going green

Today I will be gathering up my vast array of cleaning products and getting rid of them.  They will be replaced with some vinegar, baking soda, water, and squirt bottles.  What led me to this decision?  It's mostly due to the fact that I have a very dirty house right now and I've been reluctant to clean it because I don't want to fill the house with fumes.  My deep cleanings have gotten further and further apart since being pregnant and then having Connor.  It's so bad that Derek actually offered to clean the bathrooms the other day.  I'm a clean freak.  I can't have a dirty house!  So I did some research and discovered that it's very simple, cheap, and easy to make non-toxic cleaners.  

I am a little skeptical, especially because I'm a slightly OCD when it comes to cleanliness (although you couldn't tell by our home right now).  Will the counters and the floors REALLY get clean?  I guess it can't be worse than it currently is.  And it will be nice to know that Connor can gnaw on the coffee table without slurping up furniture polish at the same time.  We'll see how it goes!

My old household cleaning products

My new and improved household cleaning products
The verdict: The floors, toilet bowl, and counters sparkle! The mirrors streaked a lot, but I read that it's due to the film left from the other cleaners.  I need to use some rubbing alcohol to take it off and then the new cleaner will work wonderfully.

I was hoping it would get clean, but I didn't expect it to shine.  I'm convinced.  The vinegar and baking soda combo is my new favorite "all purpose cleaner".

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Separation Anxiety

I've read that separation anxiety peaks between 7-9 months.  Maybe the "peak" has happened and it's all downhill from here (in a good way).  I really hope that it doesn't get any worse than it was last Sunday (screaming, getting paged after 5 minutes, more screaming, no church for me).  For Connor, it seems to have started at around 5 months, which is really early, right?  I wonder what it is that makes some babies do ok with it and others not.  All there is to do is just ride out the storm, because unlike my immediate reaction on Sunday, I cannot wait for 2 or 3 years to go to church again.