Monday, January 9, 2012

A Weekend of Firsts

Connor had quite a weekend.  He had his first birthday party, his first haircut, and his first hot dog.  2 out of 3 of these events were a hit.  He had a great time at his "happy birthday party" and he really enjoyed the leftover hot dog we gave him yesterday at lunch.  We couldn't cut it up fast enough.  The haircut, on the other hand, didn't go so well.  He cried from start to finish, but he sure did need it and he is so handsome with his big boy hair!

Big smiles with Auntie Cousin Ashley. 

It was a little cold outside, but considering that the party was on January 7th, it was still very nice weather for being outdoors.  (Oddly enough, this was the first day in about two weeks that the heat spell decided to take a break.  It started again the next day--nice and warm all day.  Oh well!)

Connor really ejoyed being the center of attention...and he's good at it!

He LOVED when everyone started singing "Happy Birhtday" to him.  If only we didn't spoil his fun by giving him a cupcake :)

Connor takes after his mommy: he doesn't like his hands to be dirty and he's really trying to eat healthy and limit the junk food. (This was right before he took the cupcake and threw it on the ground).

This is one of 3 elmo's he got, and he loved each one.  He also got lots of books, clothes, toys, etc... and a piggy bank so he can start saving for college!

BFF Noemi checking out his new toy

Connor wants to wear Uncle Brady's cool sunglasses, but only on the top of his head, not over his eyes.

It's very entertaining watching a 1 year old do what 1 year olds do.

I can't believe he's already 1! My little boy is getting so big!

The haircut: Obviously he needs it. 

Very unimpressed by the cartoon movie in front of him and the cool car to sit in.

Thankfully it doesn't take very long to cut a 1 year old's hair.  This is what he did the entire time :(

Look at our tear-streaked, blotchy-faced big boy! Due to many oddly placed cowlicks, Connor's hair sort of just goes in at the middle.  I think we need to embrace the mohawk. :)


  1. I love the haircut!

  2. Cute hair cut! I love it! All of the pictures from the weekend turned out great!
