Thursday, March 29, 2012

Connor and his milestones

Tomorrow our little boy with be 15 months old.  He really is getting quite grown up.  He loves to read his books, play with all of his musical toys, and explore everywhere and everything he possibly can.  He is so curious! And his new favorite thing to do is climb.

The other day I was in his room hanging up some of his shirts.  I looked behind me and there he was, almost on top of his dresser.  He had climbed from the nursing stool onto the glider and was going after his books on top of the dresser.  For a kid who has been "late" on all the physical milestones, this new eagerness is surprising me.

I was so worried in the beginning when it was taking him so long to roll over.  I think he finally rolled over at 6 months or maybe later.  I was slightly less worried about him not being interesting in crawling, but I definitely still did worry.  Just before 10 months old he started army crawling.  I was a little concerned that he started normal-crawling at 12 months, because that's around the time that most kids start walking.

Clearly he had his own timeline for these "milestones".

I'm happy to say that I finally relaxed about when Connor would start walking.  He took his first steps at 13.5 months, and for the next month or so was happy to take a few steps and that was it.  Just this past week he has started "taking off" and he'll be 15 months tomorrow.

Our little Trojan is practically unstoppable these days!
I have a feeling my days of chasing him everywhere are right around the corner and will last for years to come. :)  And I've learned a valuable lesson: some kids don't exactly go "by the book" but that is perfectly ok.  He is a happy, healthy, and active kid who just wanted to take his time with certain things.


  1. Children have follow their own timelines as far as milestones go. He seems like a happy little guy. Miss you guys! :)

  2. Miss you guys, too! I love your blog! I'm getting pretty obsessed with cooking and new recipes and all that. I'm adding your blog to my list!

  3. Nolan took longer to hit milestones than Andrew. It did worry me a little too. But, you are right. Every little one does it on their own time! Nolan's been really walking now for about a week! It's freeing because I don't have to worry about him being on the floor all the time, but he is all over the place! Watch out...Connor will be running before you know it! Hope you are feeling well in your pregnancy!! ;)
