Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Why the weekly journals?

I have entered the world of blogs.  It's a little scary, I have to admit.  So far I only have one really long entry (the week-by-week of Connor's life).  I update it each week, although I think it's going to show up under "April" unless I can figure out how to do it differently.  More "posts" (I'm such a blogger) to come, but here it is for now.

Why the weekly journals?

I came across a blog several weeks ago, and the writer wrote a weekly update of her child's milestones, etc.  I have found it extremely helpful, mostly because this is pretty unchartered territory for me.  I spent my entire junior high and high school years baby-sitting, but I've never been on newborn duty (and now 4 month old duty) 24/7.  It's a very different experience when there aren't step by step instructions on the fridge and numbers to call when something goes wrong!

So I started writing my own weekly updates when Connor was about 6 weeks old.  It's fun for me to reflect on the week and capture it in writing, especially since I still haven't recovered from "pregnancy memory loss" (I hear it might never return!).  I enjoy going back and re-reading, even now when I'm only a little ways into it.  It will also help me when, Lord willing, we have baby #2 (or #3 or #4 hopefully!) and I will surely have no recollection of what to expect and when to expect it.  I thought it would also be fun for family who aren't so close by to have an "insider's look" at Connor's young life.

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