Thursday, July 21, 2011

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

Connor is almost 7 months old.  I can't believe it.  A year ago I was working, getting bigger by the minute, and researching products like strollers, cribs, and high chairs.  I would take walks twice a day on my breaks at work.  I always sang two songs to him: "Jesus Loves You" and "ABCs".  (By the way, his favorite song is The Itsy Bitsy Spider--how did that happen?)  I remember wondering if he could hear me.  I thought about what he would look like, what kind of personality he'd have, if he'd take after me or Derek more.  Now that little person is here and time is flying.

The first few months really did feel like time just slowed down.  Maybe it was the lack of sleep, the newness of everything, the infant who didn't smile or giggle or blow raspberries yet.  I loved almost every second of it, but I was a little anxious for him to get older.  Now I'm ready for him to stay this age.  I feel like 1st grade is right around the corner and then he'll be headed off to college and my little boy will be a grown-up.

A few months ago, I really didn't think that I'd be one of those moms who said, "Time is really flying.  He's growing up so fast."  I thought I'd be ready for one phase to end and another to begin.  I couldn't wait for the smile, the rolling over, the sitting.  Of course I still look forward to the next stages, but he'll never be 6.5 months old again.  It makes me want to go wake him up from his nap just so I can hold him and kiss his little cheeks.  I love when I remember to savor every moment.  I wish it happened more often.

Gotta love the off-centered, curly mohawk

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