Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Visit to Chicago

We just got back from a week in Chicago visiting Derek's parents.  Like our visit last March, Derek stayed in the city for the first few days for an exam seminar (next exam is in November).  Connor and I got to stay with his parents, and Derek joined us for the last couple days once his exam seminar ended.  It was a great trip.  Skype is nice, but in person is much better!

Connor did pretty good on the plane, but we were all ready to eat and enjoy the amazing fall weather.

Connor loved spending time with his Grandma and Grandpa.  

Grandma and Connor enjoyed lots of meal times together, and I LOVED having a break from the mess :)

Grandpa discovered one of Connor's favorite things to do

First time he had a "big boy bath" and it definitely took two of us because that kid is squirmy!

On our last day there, Connor got to celebrate Grandpa's birthday with him at Chick Fil A

We brought a mini DVD player in case we needed to distract or amuse Connor (we don't let him watch any TV or movies so we thought the novelty of it would help).  We should know our son by now.  All he needs is books.  As long as he can turn the pages, he could not be happier! 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Fair

Last Thursday we went to the LA County Fair.  We went last year when I was very pregnant, and what I remember most is how much my feet hurt.  Silly me--I wore the worst shoes.  Note to self: do not wear thin sandals for hours of walking on concrete when 6 months pregnant and HUGE.  This year my feet were great and so was our little guy. 

Connor was a little unsure of the horses

He has a great view from up there!  No wonder he likes it so much!

Maybe this will make Connor NOT afraid of clowns (but aren't all kids (and adults) afraid of clowns?)

We didn't realize that a "small" corn dog was an option, so we got  this "mega" corn dog.  We were mean and let Connor get this close but didn't give him a bite.  He can have all the junk food he wants when he's a grown up! :)

Our family

It looks like Connor had a great time!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


A couple weeks ago I took Connor in to see his pediatrician.  He wasn't due for another visit until his 9 month appointment, but I was concerned about his weight gain (or lack of weight gain) and didn't want to wait a whole month.  He had only gained a few ounces since the previous month.  He weighed in tall and skinny--28" and 15 lbs 9 oz.  The doctor wasn't too concerned, but he did offer to have tests done just to make sure there's nothing wrong that is causing his low weight gain.

We went back the next day and Connor had a blood and urine test and a chest x-ray.  It was so sad!  For the x-ray, he had to sit in this cylinder contraption with his arms straight up.  I couldn't stay in the room.  I'm so glad Derek was there.  I'm pretty sure getting his blood drawn was even less fun for our brave little boy.  I had to hold him on my lap while two medical people did their thing.  Apparently Connor was trying to kick his way free.  The man sitting in front of us holding his arm said he wished he had worn his cup that day.

After a few days of trying not to worry and struggling to trust God with the outcome, the tests came back completely normal.  He is perfectly fine!  I was relieved, and not just for these tests.  I have worried about Connor's weight since he was about 4 months old.  I've questioned my milk supply, stressed about how many minutes he nurses for, etc.  Now I know for sure: Connor is healthy, happy, and skinny! 

In the past two weeks since the tests, he has actually gained almost a pound (major attempts to fatten him up still underway).  While that is huge progress, it's even better knowing that whatever he gains or doesn't gain, he is just fine.

I just love this little guy!