Friday, October 28, 2011

Big Boy Dinner

I took a picture of Connor's plate of food tonight.  Years from now this will be a crazy thing to do, but tonight it was very momentous.  He has never had a plate of food before!  Usually I have 4 or 5 little containers of pureed veggies, applesauce, cottage cheese, etc.  His meals haven't resembled "normal" until this week, and tonight was the first night he had exactly what we had: sloppy joe meat, homemade macaroni and cheese, and fresh steamed broccoli and cauliflower.

I have no idea if I'm giving him too much or too little, or if this is even ok for an almost 10-month-old to eat (it's all these first-time-mom jitters).  I figure he'll let me know if it's a bad idea.  Well, I think he liked it!  He didn't eat all the food on his plate (nor did he actually eat it off of his plate), but we're well on our way to regular big boy food!

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