Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I skinned a chicken

In my "about me" section or whatever that link is called, I mention the fact that I finally have my dream job.  I'm a stay-at-home mom.  I'm a homemaker.  I love it.  I go to bed at night thinking about meals I want to make and what I want to clean the next day and fun projects like cleaning out Connor's drawers and updating all our framed photos.  This job suits me.  (Oh, and a giggly, adorable 5 month old isn't bad, either).

Well, today I took my new job to a whole new level.  I skinned a chicken.

I'm willing to try almost anything if I can add a "crock pot favorite" to my recipe repertoire, so I had to do it!  I absolutely love my crock pot.  I don't know what it is about it.  Making dinner in the morning is just the coolest thing to me.  Smelling it all day long makes me feel so accomplished all day long.  A whole chicken in the crock pot?  That is too good to be true.

I've had a frozen whole chicken in my freezer for quite a while because I had no idea what to do with it.  I've never purchased, cooked, or handled a whole chicken before.  But all that is going to change now.  The thought of skinning it was definitely more disgusting than actually skinning it.  I can't say for sure how it will taste, but based on the smell, I think this slightly-gross, incredibly-easy method is going to be a keeper.

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